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3D Search
Range From   To 
Source Da Ma Cai 3D (PMP 3D)PMP3D    Sabah 3DSAB3D    Special Cash Sweep 3DSAR3D
Permutation Yes     No
Prize First Prize     Second Prize     Third Prize
Graph Yes     No

Range From   To 
Source Perdana 3DPER3D   
Permutation Yes     No
Prize First Prize    

Normal Search: 123
(Direct & Permutation)

4 Digits Search: 1234

2 Digits Search: 12

Wildcard Search: 1?3

Total Permutation: 6
126 Dream Search     162 Dream Search     216 Dream Search     261 Dream Search     612 Dream Search     621 Dream Search     

No Number Prize DrawID DrawNo Date
Day Source DrawGap
1 261 Third0161/96 #22 24/02/1996 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D -
2 126 Third0182/96 #43 13/04/1996 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 21
3 216 Third0195/96 #56 12/05/1996 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 13
4 621 Third0227/96 #88 27/07/1996 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 32
5 621 First0260/96 #121 12/10/1996 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 33
6 216 Third0303/97 #164 19/01/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 43
7 216 Third0340/97 #201 16/04/1997 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 37
8 126 Second0437/97 #298 29/11/1997 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 97
9 216 First0444/97 #305 14/12/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 7
10 216 Third0525/98 #386 21/06/1998 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 81
11 612 First0533/98 #394 11/07/1998 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 8
12 126 Second0549/98 #410 16/08/1998 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 16
13 162 Second0600/98 #461 12/12/1998 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 51
14 621 Second0610/99 #471 02/01/1999 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 10
15 216 First0694/99 #555 06/07/1999 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 84
16 261 First0748/99 #609 03/11/1999 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 54
17 612 Second0758/99 #619 24/11/1999 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 10
18 216 Third0832/00 #693 10/05/2000 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 74
19 216 First0856/00 #717 05/07/2000 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 24
20 621 Second0888/00 #749 16/09/2000 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 32
21 162 First1081/01 #942 20/11/2001 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 193
22 126 First1130/02 #991 03/03/2002 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 49
23 126 Third1131/02 #992 06/03/2002 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 1
24 261 Second1144/02 #1005 03/04/2002 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 13
25 261 First1524/04 #1385 28/07/2004 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 380
26 621 Third1564/04 #1425 24/10/2004 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 40
27 621 Second1676/05 #1537 18/06/2005 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 112
28 612 First1700/05 #1561 07/08/2005 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 24
29 162 Second1795/06 #1656 28/02/2006 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 95
30 126 Second1874/06 #1735 13/08/2006 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 79
31 621 First1914/06 #1775 11/11/2006 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 40
32 261 Third1944/07 #1805 13/01/2007 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 30
33 612 First2022/07 #1883 01/07/2007 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 78
34 261 Second2037/07 #1898 01/08/2007 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 15
35 162 First2091/07 #1952 28/11/2007 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 54
36 162 First2104/07 #1965 26/12/2007 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 13
37 612 Third2179/08 #2040 18/06/2008 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 75
38 261 First2194/08 #2055 23/07/2008 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 15
39 621 Third2292/09 #2153 22/02/2009 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 98
40 162 Third2381/09 #2242 29/08/2009 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 89
41 261 Second2384/09 #2245 05/09/2009 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 3
42 621 Third2747/11 #2607 27/09/2011 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 362
43 612 First2760/11 #2620 23/10/2011 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 13
44 612 Third2783/11 #2643 07/12/2011 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 23
45 126 First2801/12 #2661 15/01/2012 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 18
46 621 First2862/12 #2722 13/05/2012 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 61
47 162 Second2933/12 #2793 10/10/2012 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 71
48 162 First2960/12 #2820 04/12/2012 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 27
49 126 First3026/13 #2886 14/04/2013 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 66
50 126 Third3038/13 #2898 08/05/2013 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 12
51 216 Third3206/14 #3066 20/04/2014 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 168
52 612 First3344/15 #3204 28/01/2015 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 138
53 612 First3353/15 #3213 14/02/2015 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
54 162 Third3414/15 #3274 17/06/2015 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 61
55 126 First3452/15 #3312 06/09/2015 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 38
56 621 First3478/15 #3338 31/10/2015 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 26
57 216 Second3522/16 #3382 27/01/2016 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 44
58 621 First3655/16 #3515 26/10/2016 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 133
59 612 Second3655/16 #3515 26/10/2016 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 0
60 612 Third3655/16 #3515 26/10/2016 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 0
61 261 First3693/17 #3553 11/01/2017 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 38
62 162 Third3712/17 #3572 15/02/2017 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 19
63 612 Third3802/17 #3662 26/08/2017 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 90
64 612 First3836/17 #3696 01/11/2017 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 34
65 216 Second3871/18 #3731 13/01/2018 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 35
66 126 Third3909/18 #3769 25/03/2018 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 38
67 621 First3944/18 #3804 10/06/2018 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 35
68 612 Third4030/18 #3890 02/12/2018 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 86
69 126 First4167/19 #4027 25/09/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 137
70 261 Third4223/20 #4083 25/01/2020 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 56
71 126 Second4426/21 #4245 07/04/2021 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 162
72 126 Third4611/22 #4368 30/04/2022 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 123
73 261 Second4623/22 #4380 28/05/2022 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 12
74 126 First4655/22 #4412 30/07/2022 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 32
75 261 Second4714/22 #4471 23/11/2022 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 59

Number 1st 2nd 3rd Total Big Small LastDraw Day Prize Source
126 Dream Search 6 4 5 15 3090 3540 30/07/2022 Sat FirstSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
162 Dream Search 4 3 3 10 2080 2380 15/02/2017 Wed ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
216 Dream Search 3 2 6 11 2070 1840 13/01/2018 Sat SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
261 Dream Search 4 5 3 12 2500 2540 23/11/2022 Wed SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
612 Dream Search 7 2 5 14 2920 3900 02/12/2018 Sun ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
621 Dream Search 6 3 4 13 2730 3440 10/06/2018 Sun FirstSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
Total 30 19 26 75 15390 17640        

  Special Cash Sweep 1+3D
Total Hits 75
Max DrawGap 380 Draws
Min DrawGap 1 Draws
Avg DrawGap 60 Draws
Last Hit DrawNo #4471
Estimate Next Hit DrawNo #4531
From Latest DrawNo -214 Draws (#4745)

Response Time: 0.00 s (82)
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