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3D Search
Range From   To 
Source Da Ma Cai 3D (PMP 3D)PMP3D    Sabah 3DSAB3D    Special Cash Sweep 3DSAR3D
Permutation Yes     No
Prize First Prize     Second Prize     Third Prize
Graph Yes     No

Range From   To 
Source Perdana 3DPER3D   
Permutation Yes     No
Prize First Prize    

Normal Search: 123
(Direct & Permutation)

4 Digits Search: 1234

2 Digits Search: 12

Wildcard Search: 1?3

Total Permutation: 6
027 Dream Search     072 Dream Search     207 Dream Search     270 Dream Search     702 Dream Search     720 Dream Search     

No Number Prize DrawID DrawNo Date
Day Source DrawGap
1 702 Third0156/96 #17 11/02/1996 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D -
2 270 Second0208/96 #69 12/06/1996 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 52
3 702 First0211/96 #72 19/06/1996 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 3
4 027 Third0285/96 #146 08/12/1996 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 74
5 270 Second0319/97 #180 26/02/1997 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 34
6 072 Second0327/97 #188 16/03/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 8
7 072 First0380/97 #241 19/07/1997 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 53
8 072 Second0398/97 #259 30/08/1997 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 18
9 270 First0410/97 #271 27/09/1997 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 12
10 702 Second0477/98 #338 01/03/1998 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 67
11 720 Second0513/98 #374 24/05/1998 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 36
12 027 First0614/99 #475 10/01/1999 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 101
13 207 First0670/99 #531 15/05/1999 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 56
14 207 First0705/99 #566 31/07/1999 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 35
15 027 Third0723/99 #584 08/09/1999 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 18
16 720 First0738/99 #599 10/10/1999 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 15
17 027 First0834/00 #695 14/05/2000 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 96
18 270 Second0963/01 #824 27/02/2001 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 129
19 027 Third1054/01 #915 22/09/2001 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 91
20 207 First1181/02 #1042 23/06/2002 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 127
21 270 Third1201/02 #1062 07/08/2002 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 20
22 720 Third1232/02 #1093 16/10/2002 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 31
23 720 Third1253/02 #1114 30/11/2002 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 21
24 027 First1378/03 #1239 03/09/2003 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 125
25 270 First1479/04 #1340 18/04/2004 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 101
26 207 Third1484/04 #1345 28/04/2004 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 5
27 270 First1493/04 #1354 19/05/2004 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
28 207 Third1607/05 #1468 23/01/2005 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 114
29 720 Second1829/06 #1690 10/05/2006 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 222
30 072 First1859/06 #1720 12/07/2006 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 30
31 207 Third1904/06 #1765 21/10/2006 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 45
32 720 Third1933/06 #1794 23/12/2006 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 29
33 270 Second1951/07 #1812 28/01/2007 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 18
34 720 Third1994/07 #1855 01/05/2007 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 43
35 207 First2124/08 #1985 10/02/2008 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 130
36 207 Second2224/08 #2085 01/10/2008 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 100
37 702 First2411/09 #2272 31/10/2009 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 187
38 027 First2488/10 #2348 04/04/2010 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 76
39 270 Second2545/10 #2405 31/07/2010 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 57
40 720 First2637/11 #2497 08/02/2011 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 92
41 720 First2666/11 #2526 06/04/2011 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 29
42 207 First2695/11 #2555 05/06/2011 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 29
43 207 Third2770/11 #2630 12/11/2011 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 75
44 702 Third2828/12 #2688 04/03/2012 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 58
45 270 Third2840/12 #2700 28/03/2012 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 12
46 207 Third2863/12 #2723 16/05/2012 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 23
47 207 First2910/12 #2770 25/08/2012 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 47
48 207 First2921/12 #2781 15/09/2012 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 11
49 720 First2947/12 #2807 10/11/2012 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 26
50 702 First2975/13 #2835 05/01/2013 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 28
51 027 Second2977/13 #2837 08/01/2013 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 2
52 072 Second3003/13 #2863 27/02/2013 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 26
53 270 Third3036/13 #2896 05/05/2013 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 33
54 207 Third3078/13 #2938 03/08/2013 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 42
55 702 Third3089/13 #2949 25/08/2013 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 11
56 270 Third3308/14 #3168 16/11/2014 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 219
57 207 First3432/15 #3292 28/07/2015 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 124
58 702 Third3482/15 #3342 07/11/2015 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 50
59 072 Third3494/15 #3354 01/12/2015 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 12
60 072 Second3515/16 #3375 13/01/2016 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 21
61 072 Third3606/16 #3466 20/07/2016 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 91
62 027 Third3663/16 #3523 12/11/2016 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 57
63 270 Second3916/18 #3776 08/04/2018 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 253
64 270 Third3952/18 #3812 27/06/2018 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 36
65 207 First4084/19 #3944 27/03/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 132
66 720 Third4086/19 #3946 31/03/2019 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 2
67 270 Second4122/19 #3982 19/06/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 36
68 207 Second4125/19 #3985 26/06/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 3
69 027 Third4211/19 #4071 29/12/2019 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 86
70 702 Second4221/20 #4081 21/01/2020 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 10
71 072 Third4224/20 #4084 26/01/2020 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 3
72 720 Second4289/20 #4108 20/06/2020 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 24
73 720 Second4541/21 #4298 01/12/2021 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 190
74 207 Third4576/22 #4333 12/02/2022 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 35
75 207 Second4607/22 #4364 20/04/2022 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 31
76 207 Second4659/22 #4416 06/08/2022 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 52
77 270 First4797/23 #4681 20/05/2023 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 265
78 270 Third4806/23 #4690 07/06/2023 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
79 720 Third4831/23 #4715 02/08/2023 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 25
80 270 First4849/23 #4733 10/09/2023 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 18

Number 1st 2nd 3rd Total Big Small LastDraw Day Prize Source
027 Dream Search 4 1 5 10 1960 2260 29/12/2019 Sun ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
072 Dream Search 2 4 3 9 1790 1420 26/01/2020 Sun ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
207 Dream Search 9 4 7 20 4140 5140 06/08/2022 Sat SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
270 Dream Search 5 7 6 18 3620 3280 10/09/2023 Sun FirstSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
702 Dream Search 3 2 4 9 1770 1800 21/01/2020 Tue SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
720 Dream Search 4 4 6 14 2740 2520 02/08/2023 Wed ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
Total 27 22 31 80 16020 16420        

  Special Cash Sweep 1+3D
Total Hits 80
Max DrawGap 265 Draws
Min DrawGap 2 Draws
Avg DrawGap 59 Draws
Last Hit DrawNo #4733
Estimate Next Hit DrawNo #4792
From Latest DrawNo +47 Draws (#4745)

Response Time: 0.00 s (92)
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