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3D Search
Range From   To 
Source Da Ma Cai 3D (PMP 3D)PMP3D    Sabah 3DSAB3D    Special Cash Sweep 3DSAR3D
Permutation Yes     No
Prize First Prize     Second Prize     Third Prize
Graph Yes     No

Range From   To 
Source Perdana 3DPER3D   
Permutation Yes     No
Prize First Prize    

Normal Search: 123
(Direct & Permutation)

4 Digits Search: 1234

2 Digits Search: 12

Wildcard Search: 1?3

Total Permutation: 6
134 Dream Search     143 Dream Search     314 Dream Search     341 Dream Search     413 Dream Search     431 Dream Search     

No Number Prize DrawID DrawNo Date
Day Source DrawGap
1 314 First0250/96 #111 18/09/1996 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D -
2 341 Second0254/96 #115 28/09/1996 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 4
3 134 Third0282/96 #143 01/12/1996 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 28
4 341 Third0306/97 #167 26/01/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 24
5 134 Second0321/97 #182 02/03/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 15
6 143 Second0359/97 #220 31/05/1997 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 38
7 314 Second0399/97 #260 31/08/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 40
8 314 Second0408/97 #269 21/09/1997 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
9 134 Third0470/98 #331 14/02/1998 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 62
10 314 Second0497/98 #358 18/04/1998 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 27
11 314 Third0502/98 #363 29/04/1998 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 5
12 143 First0531/98 #392 05/07/1998 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 29
13 143 Second0562/98 #423 16/09/1998 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 31
14 134 First0580/98 #441 28/10/1998 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 18
15 431 First0627/99 #488 10/02/1999 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 47
16 341 Third0643/99 #504 17/03/1999 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 16
17 134 Second0665/99 #526 05/05/1999 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 22
18 143 First0680/99 #541 05/06/1999 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 15
19 134 First1069/01 #930 24/10/2001 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 389
20 431 Third1190/02 #1051 13/07/2002 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 121
21 413 Third1197/02 #1058 28/07/2002 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 7
22 413 Third1320/03 #1181 27/04/2003 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 123
23 314 Second1323/03 #1184 04/05/2003 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 3
24 341 Second1360/03 #1221 27/07/2003 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 37
25 143 First1364/03 #1225 03/08/2003 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 4
26 134 Second1364/03 #1225 03/08/2003 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 0
27 341 Second1415/03 #1276 23/11/2003 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 51
28 341 Second1449/04 #1311 08/02/2004 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 35
29 143 First1748/05 #1609 19/11/2005 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 298
30 314 Second1872/06 #1733 09/08/2006 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 124
31 413 Second1881/06 #1742 30/08/2006 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
32 134 Third1892/06 #1753 23/09/2006 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 11
33 431 First2231/08 #2092 18/10/2008 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 339
34 413 First2278/09 #2139 25/01/2009 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 47
35 134 Third2374/09 #2235 15/08/2009 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 96
36 134 Second2407/09 #2268 21/10/2009 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 33
37 341 Second2467/10 #2327 21/02/2010 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 59
38 134 Third2472/10 #2332 02/03/2010 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 5
39 143 Second2505/10 #2365 08/05/2010 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 33
40 341 First2514/10 #2374 29/05/2010 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
41 134 Third2578/10 #2438 09/10/2010 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 64
42 341 Second2611/10 #2471 18/12/2010 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 33
43 431 Third2634/11 #2494 02/02/2011 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 23
44 431 First2691/11 #2551 29/05/2011 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 57
45 314 Second2749/11 #2609 01/10/2011 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 58
46 314 Second2984/13 #2844 22/01/2013 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 235
47 143 Third3042/13 #2902 18/05/2013 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 58
48 314 First3095/13 #2955 04/09/2013 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 53
49 314 Third3187/14 #3047 09/03/2014 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 92
50 143 Second3191/14 #3051 19/03/2014 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 4
51 314 Third3202/14 #3062 12/04/2014 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 11
52 431 Second3228/14 #3088 03/06/2014 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 26
53 134 Second3237/14 #3097 22/06/2014 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 9
54 134 First3286/14 #3146 04/10/2014 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 49
55 314 First3343/15 #3203 27/01/2015 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 57
56 314 First3451/15 #3311 05/09/2015 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 108
57 314 Second3488/15 #3348 21/11/2015 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 37
58 134 Third3611/16 #3471 30/07/2016 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 123
59 134 Third3654/16 #3514 23/10/2016 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 43
60 341 Third3696/17 #3556 17/01/2017 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 42
61 431 Third3697/17 #3557 18/01/2017 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 1
62 431 First3710/17 #3570 11/02/2017 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 13
63 413 Second3745/17 #3605 25/04/2017 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 35
64 143 Second3840/17 #3700 08/11/2017 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 95
65 413 Second3874/18 #3734 17/01/2018 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 34
66 134 First3915/18 #3775 07/04/2018 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 41
67 143 First3961/18 #3821 15/07/2018 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 46
68 413 Second4023/18 #3883 18/11/2018 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 62
69 413 Second4062/19 #3922 06/02/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 39
70 134 Third4088/19 #3948 03/04/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 26
71 143 First4128/19 #3988 03/07/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 40
72 341 Third4177/19 #4037 16/10/2019 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 49
73 314 First4229/20 #4089 04/02/2020 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 52
74 143 Second4342/20 #4161 14/10/2020 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 72
75 413 Second4376/20 #4195 27/12/2020 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 34
76 143 First4392/21 #4211 31/01/2021 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 16
77 431 First4393/21 #4212 02/02/2021 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 1
78 314 Second4401/21 #4220 16/02/2021 Tue Special Cash Sweep 3D 8
79 143 Second4430/21 #4249 17/04/2021 Sat Special Cash Sweep 3D 29
80 143 Second4577/22 #4334 13/02/2022 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 85
81 134 Third4635/22 #4392 19/06/2022 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 58
82 341 Second4668/22 #4425 21/08/2022 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 33
83 314 Third4750/23 #4634 01/02/2023 Wed Special Cash Sweep 3D 209
84 431 First4827/23 #4711 23/07/2023 Sun Special Cash Sweep 3D 77

Number 1st 2nd 3rd Total Big Small LastDraw Day Prize Source
134 Dream Search 4 5 10 19 3550 2680 19/06/2022 Sun ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
143 Dream Search 7 8 1 16 3580 4300 13/02/2022 Sun SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
314 Dream Search 5 9 4 18 3740 3400 01/02/2023 Wed ThirdSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
341 Dream Search 1 7 4 12 2320 1160 21/08/2022 Sun SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
413 Dream Search 1 6 2 9 1810 1040 27/12/2020 Sun SecondSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
431 Dream Search 6 1 3 10 2160 3260 23/07/2023 Sun FirstSpecial Cash Sweep 3D
Total 24 36 24 84 17160 15840        

  Special Cash Sweep 1+3D
Total Hits 84
Max DrawGap 389 Draws
Min DrawGap 1 Draws
Avg DrawGap 55 Draws
Last Hit DrawNo #4711
Estimate Next Hit DrawNo #4766
From Latest DrawNo +21 Draws (#4745)

Response Time: 0.03 s (31)
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