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加人: 2013-01-04
回应: 537
hip hip hooray mastermkt

yaaa...esok kita tengok...akan timbul jate sengoti dan jelmaan dia yang bertopeng babi dungun ka, tokeymakanlagi la,aku2013 la...semua orang yang sama... kaki palingg besar phd dia...perasaan hasad dengki... babi jate ini bukan apa... main nombor pun tak ada...dia cuma spoiler dalam rencana orang lain...ini serupa taik kelentit pelacur siam yang tua kerepot dan burit hanyir.. itu saja... memang anak haram luar nikah,buang tepi jalan di lorong pelacur....pasal tu musibat ini perangai dia usik mastermkt..cuma babi ini saja sampai hari ini cakap penangmari=mastermkt. nombor phone kami berdua memang sudah ada kat forum...dah lama dah.. apa apa pun,marilah kita enjoy kemenangan kita...kita suka mastermkt..kerana tak takbur..ayat dia sentiasa cakap tiada gerenti..sekadar ramalan saja...backup ikut mampu...yg gerenti cuma satu, jate=babi

投稿于 2013-10-02 03:32:08

作者 回应

加人: 2013-08-22
回应: 246
same goes to u penangmari. wish u get hit by the same
truck with yr mouth sucking mastermkt cock. hahahaha

投稿于 2013-10-02 14:02:57


加人: 2013-07-03
回应: 344
agreed, we support you & master.

投稿于 2013-10-02 11:14:16


加人: 2012-02-10
回应: 178
you are right bro penangmari, i also support yr opinion. ¹ÄÕƹÄÕƹÄÕƹÄÕÆ we dont like people to drop our mastermkt. he is the legends ever ÍòÄÜ´óÂí²Ê¶à ¶à Óµ±§ Óµ±§ Óµ±§ Ð߳ܵÄÄã[xÐ߳ܵÄÄã

投稿于 2013-10-02 10:01:26


加人: 2004-09-22
回应: 129
penang mari..u r firing all silinders..does he understand...hahaha..cool man..its not worth it..lets cai for todays draw..lepas tu pekena nasi kandaq kayu..amcm??

投稿于 2013-10-02 09:54:17


加人: 2013-01-04
回应: 537
what the fuck are you talking about asshole?you cant handle the fucking truth that you and your bastard gang are nothing more than used tampons from a cheapskate toothless whore.fucked up bastard.everyday you and your fucked up assholes come in here and talk your garbage.you cannot contribute any tips but find it fit to run down mastermkt?why dont you just fuck off?okay?i wish you get hit by a tow truck and die on the fucking spot with ur cock in your mouth.motherfucker. get your garbage out of the way.

投稿于 2013-10-02 04:47:58


加人: 2013-08-22
回应: 246
tapi mulut cibai. cilaker punya manusia. lagak baik
tapi zombie. itu lah the truth. hamsakkkkk woi..

投稿于 2013-10-02 03:58:02

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